
Cole Dawson (Cheese It!)


Yield: 2 pounds

  • 9L full cream pasteuirzed milk
  • 1/4 t of Mesophilic Culture, or 4 T mesophilic mother culture
  • 2.5ml (1/2 t) liquid rennet in 1/4 cup non-chlorinated water (or 1/4 rennet table)
  • 2 T kosher salt
  • cheese mold
  • cheese cloth
  • cheese box
  • colander
  • large bowl for whey
  • large bowl for mixing in salt
  • weights

Heat milk to (30C)

  • 1/4 t of Mesophilic Culture, or 4 T mesophilic mother culture
  • prepare 2.5ml (1/2 t) liquid rennet in 1/4 cup non-chlorinated water

Sprinkle on mesophilic culture, leave for 2 mins

Stir, cover, and ripen for 15 mins at 30C

Add rennet and stir for 1 minute

Cover, and keep at 30C for 1 hour or until clean break

Cut curds into 1/4 inch cubes

  • Use a wisk to cut pieces you miss

Let sit (covered) for 5 mins

Pour curds and whey through a cheese cloth lined colander

  • keep warm while it drain (about 20 mins)

Break curds into several pieces and put into a cheese basket lined with cheese cloth

Press at 2.4-4.5kg for 12 hours

Flip and press for 12 more hours

  • at same weight (2.4-4.5kg).

In a large bowl, mill (break up) the cheese into 1-inch pieces.

Add 2 T kosher salt and mix well

  • knead with your fingers

Rinse the mold and cloth

Place the cheese in the mold lined with cloth

Press at 10-20kg for 2-3 days

  • flipping every day

Remove and let air-try at room temp for 2-3 days

  • flipping every 6 hours

When dry to touch

  • Age at 10-13C and 80-85%RH for 3-6 months.
  • flip the cheese and wipe the rind with brine twice a week