- 4L full cream pasteuirzed milk
- 1/8 t of aromatic mesophilic culture
- 1/32 t of penicilium candidum
- 1/32 t of geotrichum candidum 15
- 1.25ml (1/4 t) calcium chloride in 1/4 cup non-chlorinated water
- 2 drops single strength linquid rennet in 1 T of non-chlorinated water (standard dose?)
- non-iodised salt
- cheese box with draining mat
Heat milk (25C)
- mix:
- 1.25ml (1/4 t) calcium chloride in 1/4 cup non-chlorinated water
- 2 drops single strength linquid rennet in 1 T of non-chlorinated water (standard dose?)
Add 1/8 t of aromatic mesophilic culture
Add molds
- 1/32 t of penicilium candidum
- 1/32 t of geotrichum candidum 15
Allow to rehydrate for 5 mins
Stir and add calcium chloride
Add rennet and stir for 1 min
Allow to set for 12 hours
- At the end there should be 1cm or half an inch of whey on the surface
- curds should also have pulled away from the edge of the pot
Place 4 small baskets on a mat, on a board
Scoop the curds into the baskets with a slotted spoon
- keep going until all the curds have been used. May take around an hour for the curds to settle enough to fit everything in.
Allow to drain overnight
- for this step and all following the cheese is always rested in the cheese cave
flip the cheeses and put them back into their baskets
flip the cheeses again and put them back into their baskets
salt the top of the cheese with 1/4 t of salt per cheese
flip the cheeses and put them back into their baskets
salt the top of the cheese again with 1/4 t of salt per cheese
clean the mat, place it into a ripening box
remove the cheese from the basekts and put into the ripening box
- Also add some moisutre absorbents
- I have added this step because Gav doesn’t cover the box and agest on the counter, but I suspect it is too hot here to do that.
the next day, drain the whey and flip the cheese
Age at 10-13C for 2 weeks.
- turn at least daily (to stop mold sticking to the mat) and drain any whey
Store in micro perforated wrap and store in the frige
- It will keep for about 2 more weeks.