Saturated Brine Solution

Gavin Webber


  • 1 fresh raw egg (for testing density)
  • 2L non-chlorinated water
  • 450g non-iodised salt (225g/L)
  • 2T white vinegar (I assume normal strength)
  • 1t (5ml) calcium chloride solution

Put the water into a saucepan

  • can warm the water to help the salt disolve

Add the egg

Add the salt (non-iodised) until the egg floats

  • Add more salt if you want it more salty

move the brine to a container and allow to cool

  • get out the calcium chloride, vinegar, teaspoon, and tablespoon

Stir in 1t calcium chloride (5ml)

Stir in 2T vinegar

Store in cheese cave or fridge